Consulting and training services

Consulting specialties

  • Ecosystem monitoring and habitat modeling
  • Nature capital/carbon potential rapid assessment
  • Carbon project development and design
  • MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) frameworks and due diligence tests
  • Mapping regeneration and deforestation
  • Habitat connectivity and fragmentation analysis
  • Sea level rise projection and modeling
  • Biodiversity credits evaluation
  • Develop data visualization tools
  • GIS analysis
  • LiDAR, SAR, UAV and satellite data analysis
  • Scientific writing and report generation
  • Policy and advocacy support
  • Capacity building and training for local communities

Standard training programs

  • Spatial analysis using Google Earth Engine (3 levels available: beginner, intermediate and advanced)
  • Environmental data analysis using R (3 levels available: beginner, intermediate and advanced)
  • Environmental data analysis using Python (beginner level)
  • GIS training using QGIS (beginner level)
  • Scientific article writing (3 levels available: beginner, intermediate and advanced)
  • Developing scientific illustrations (beginner level)

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